24/7/365 Support


Manage Alerts


You want to retrieve and manage alerts in the current monitoring object.


To retrieve alerts on the current monitoring object, use the GetAlert cmdlet. To retrieve only active alerts, apply a filter to include only those with a ResolutionState of 0.

>GetAlert | WhereObject { $_.ResolutionState eq 0 } | SelectObject Description


List and Start Tasks


You want to list all the tasks allowed in a monitoring object, and then invoke one.


To retrieve cmdlets allowed for the current monitoring object, use the GetTask cmdlet:

$task = GetTask | WhereObject { $_.DisplayName –match "TaskName" }

Then use the StartTask cmdlet to start the task: $task | StartTask


Enable or Disable Rules


You want to enable or disable rules not sealed in a management pack.


To retrieve a rule, use the GetRule: $rule = GetRule | WhereObject { $_.DisplayName –match "RuleName" }

Then, use the EnableRule or DisableRule cmdlet to enable or disable that rule, respectively:

$rule | EnableRule

$rule | DisableRule


Get, Install, and Uninstall Management Packs


You want to automate the deployment or configuration of management packs.


To retrieve information about installed management packs, use the GetManagementPack cmdlet, as shown in Example 261.

Example 261. Using the GetManagementPack cmdlet

PS Monitoring:\Oxford.contoso.com >$mp = GetManagementPack | WhereObject { $_.DisplayName eq "Health Internal Library" } PS Monitoring:\Oxford.contoso.com >$mp

Schedule a Maintenance Window


You want to place a server in maintenance mode to prevent it from generating incorrect alerts.


To schedule a maintenance window on a computer, use the NewMaintenanceWindow cmdlet:

$computer = GetAgent | WhereObject { $_.Name match "Denver" }

$computer.HostComputer | NewMaintenanceWindow `

StartTime (GetDate) `

EndTime (GetDate).AddMinutes(5) `

Comment "Security updates"

To retrieve information about that maintenance window, use the GetMaintenanceWindow cmdlet:

Manage Operations Manager Agents


You want to manage Operations Manager agents on remote machines.


To retrieve information about installed agents, use the GetAgent cmdlet:

PS Monitoring:\Oxford.contoso.com >GetAgent | SelectObject DisplayName


Ibiza.contoso.com Denver.contoso.com Sydney.contoso.com

To remove an agent, use the UninstallAgent cmdlet:

PS Monitoring:\Oxford.contoso.com >GetAgent | WhereObject { $_.DisplayName match "Denver" } | >> UninstallAgent

Manage Outlook Web Access


You want to get and modify Outlook Web Access settings from the Exchange Management Shell.


To retrieve information about an Outlook Web Access virtual directory, use the GetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet:

$owa = GetOwaVirtualDirectory "owa (Default Web Site)"

To modify information about that virtual directory, use the SetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet. This example prevents users from changing their passwords through Outlook Web Access:

$owa | SetOwaVirtualDirectory –ChangePasswordEnabled:$false


Manage Transport Rules


You want to manage transport rules applied to incoming or outgoing mail.


To create transport rules on the server, use the NewTransportRule cmdlet, as shown in Example 251.

Example 251. Creating a new transport rule

$from = GetTransportRulePredicate FromScope $from.Scope = "NotInOrganization"

$attachmentSize = GetTransportRulePredicate AttachmentSizeOver $attachmentSize.Size = 0

Manage Distribution Groups


You want to get and modify information about distribution groups from the Exchange Management Shell.


To retrieve information about a distribution group, or distribution groups, use the GetDistributionGroup cmdlet:

$group = GetDistributionGroup "Stock Traders"

$group | FormatList *

To modify information about a group, use the SetDistributionGroup cmdlet. This example updates the Stock Traders distribution group to accept messages only from other members of the Stock Traders distribution group:


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Processor RAM Storage Server Detail
Intel Atom C2350 1.7 GHz 2c/2t 4 GB DDR3 1× 1 TB (HDD SATA) Configure Server
Intel Atom C2350 1.7 GHz 2c/2t 4 GB DDR3 1× 128 GB (SSD SATA) Configure Server
Intel Atom C2750 2.4 GHz 8c/8t 8 GB DDR3 1× 1 TB (HDD SATA) Configure Server
Intel Xeon E3-1230 v2 3.3 GHz 4c/8t 16 GB DDR3 1× 256 GB (SSD SATA) Configure Server
Intel Atom C2350 1.7 GHz 2c/2t 4 GB DDR3 1× 250 GB (SSD SATA) Configure Server

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