You want to get and modify Outlook Web Access settings from the Exchange Management Shell.
To retrieve information about an Outlook Web Access virtual directory, use the GetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet:
$owa = GetOwaVirtualDirectory "owa (Default Web Site)"
To modify information about that virtual directory, use the SetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet. This example prevents users from changing their passwords through Outlook Web Access:
$owa | SetOwaVirtualDirectory –ChangePasswordEnabled:$false
For more information about the GetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet, type GetHelp GetOwaVirtualDirectory. For more information about the SetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet, type GetHelp SetOwaVirtualDirectory.
Manage an Operations Manager 2007 Server
Like Exchange 2007, System Center Operations Manager 2007 (previously known as Microsoft Operations Manager) broadly adopts PowerShell as a technique for automated management. Operations Manager 2007 takes a dualpronged approach to this. It includes a set of more than 70 PowerShell cmdlets, as well as a PowerShell provider that lets you scope commands to (and navigate) management groups.
The most common management tasks in Operations Manager 2007 fall largely into one of several categories: managing agents, management packs, rules, tasks, alerts, and maintenance windows.