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Control Panel

A Complete Administration

Hosting Ultraso Control Panel gives you access to a complete administration panel on all servers from our most popular locations. Reboot, re-install (change OS, Reboot, reinstall & perform various other functions that gives you the opportunity to manage your server in a fats & simpler way. The server list view also lets you filter down by location, or export your server information in csv format. For an enhanced control experience, you can access to any server’s complete features & management options by clicking on the server of your choice.

Full Ticket Support System

We went one step further in seamless integration. You now have access to a full history of your support and sales questions, including those opened by sub-users. Open, close, or modify tickets by department, review conversations in chat-like format, assign e-mail notifications, open support requests for specific services, etc.

User Management

Speaking of sub-users, our control enables you to set precise permissions to your staff, such as billing, support, and server management. This feature is advantageous for the user as it leads to division od task in an improved manner & gives access to specific sections to those who should have it. You can also set e-mail permissions for your sub-users so that only the relevant information is sent to them!

Convenient Billing

Easy & quick way of billing forms a primary feature of our control panel. You can easily view, print & pay your bills without any trouble. means to view, print, or pay your bills? Hosting Ultraso panel Hosting Ultraso panel provides particularised statement, file downloads & management of credit systems. A full history of your payments is kept, which you can filter by date or status.

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