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Managed Dedicated Server

Hosting Ultraso has two types of support, one is Managed Dedicated Server and another one is Unmanaged Dedicated Server. Under Managed Dedicated Server we provide Basic Management and Advanced Management. All of our dedicated servers come with unmanaged support. In both Linux and Windows, we give managed dedicated server service. If you need managed dedicated server, please let us know.

Basic Managed Dedicated Server -

The services we give in the basic managed dedicated server is given below -

  • Install Operating System
  • Install hosting control panel like Cpanel
  • Setup Domain Name
  • Setup email address
  • Provide security service like spam protection in email
  • Setup FTP - file transfer protocol
  • Basic Setup of your website
  • Basic Setup of your Database
  • Basic Setup of your Files
  • Technical support by support ticket, email, chat, phone call

Advanced Managed Dedicated Server -

In Advance Managed Dedicated Server, we keep updated, secure, optimized for your hardware and software. We employ dedicated full time server engineer to administer and maintain your dedicated server. An advanced managed dedicated server will allow you to focus in your business, allow you to more productive and free your mind from massive amount of technical issues like security, firewall, brute force attack, DDoS protection, performance and many more. Security is a very large factor and one of the most important issues that we care about. Our advanced managed dedicated server engineer will give services for –

  • Install Software & updates
  • Install Operating system & updates
  • Firewall services
  • Backup services
  • Advanced technical support
  • Application deployment
  • Database management
  • Setup Domain Name
  • Setup email address
  • Provide security service like spam protection in email
  • Setup FTP - file transfer protocol
  • Advance Setup of your website
  • Advance Setup of your Database
  • Server monitoring and recovery
  • Anti-spam and virus protection
  • Brute Force Attack Protection
  • Security scans and audits
  • Telephone-based customer support
  • Email and Ticket based customer support
  • Live Chat Support
  • Advanced configurations
  • Hosting Control panel software (Cpanel)
  • Web Host Manager panel (WHM)

Managed Dedicated Server is useful for an e-commerce website, large enterprise website or portal, complex application like ERP software, Intranet and any other website which need robust backend support. We will do all the heavy lifting, notify you when updates take place and wait by the phone if you have any questions. It's the best managed dedicated server hosting solution available.

Please contact us to get Managed Dedicated Server and let us know exactly in details what advanced management you need from, prior to purchase any server.

Unmanaged Dedicated Server –

Hosting Ultraso Unmanaged Dedicated Server is suitable for large enterprise who has own IT department has need to control the full server by their own.

Unmanaged Dedicated Server means only you will control, administer, access the server. We will provide you the rack space, hardware, network, physical security and protection for your server. Hosting Ultraso Unmanaged dedicated server has knowledgeable and experienced engineers to provide you the best unmanaged dedicated server and hosting experience imaginable. Our goal is to support you and make strongest long-term dedicated server provider in the market. We have various types of dedicated server and configuration to meet everybody’s expectation, from technical individual person to large enterprise. Also we can deliver customized unmanaged dedicated server which will fit only for you. Our all unmanaged dedicated server has root level ssh access.

In our unmanaged server you can install the application software. The security issue, firewall protection, brute force attack protection, anti-virus and malware protection will solely manage by you. All types of software services, management, control, update, installation will be take care by you. You can install your own hosting Cpanel and WHM. You can re-install the software, reboot the server, or start the server in a rescue mode.

If you are not a technical person or not have IT team, we highly recommend trying our Managed Dedicated Server, where we will do all the heavy lifting for you.

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