You want to retrieve and manage alerts in the current monitoring object.
To retrieve alerts on the current monitoring object, use the GetAlert cmdlet. To retrieve only active alerts, apply a filter to include only those with a ResolutionState of 0.
>GetAlert | WhereObject { $_.ResolutionState eq 0 } | SelectObject Description
The process started at 2:15:56 AM failed to create System.Discovery.Data, no error The process started at 2:05:23 PM failed to create System.Discovery.Data. Errors MSExchangeIS service is stopped. This may be caused by missing patch KB 915786. The computer was not pingable. The computer was not pingable.
To resolve an alert, pipe it to the ResolveAlert cmdlet. For example, to clean up the alert entries in bulk:
GetAlert | WhereObject { $_.ResolutionState eq 0 } | ResolveAlert
For more information about the GetAlert cmdlet, type GetHelp GetAlert. For more information about the ResolveAlert cmdlet, type GetHelp ResolveAlert.