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El Segundo

Be Smarter! Choose Best Data Center for Colocation from El Segundo & Improve Your Web Application Performance

Location Data Center Description Details
El Segundo Hosting Ultraso helps companies accelerate business performance by connecting them to their customers and partners inside the world’s most networked data centers. Our El Segundo data centers are business hubs for 250+ companies. View Details

Our Data Center Facilities

24x7 Great Support

24x7 Great Support

Our technical team, billing staff, and sales executives are always ready to help you with ticket support, email, phone, chat.
Spam Guard

Spam Guard

In managed dedicated server we can provide you Spam Guard security with the email application.
Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security

All our data center have 7/24/365 onsite security, CCTV monitoring, biometric access, man trap and many more.
High Performance

High Performance

We use only high-speed multiple network connection so that your dedicated server on our data center loads faster.

What Our Clients Say