You have an array and want to find all elements that match a given item or term— either exactly, by pattern, or by regular expression.
To find all elements that match an item, use the –eq, like, and –match comparison operators:
PS >$array = "Item 1","Item 2","Item 3","Item 1","Item 12" PS >$array eq "Item 1" Item 1 Item 1 PS >$array like "*1*" Item 1 Item 1 Item 12 PS >$array match "Item .." Item 12
The eq, like, and match operators are useful ways to find elements in a collection that match your given term. The –eq operator returns all elements that are equal to your term, the –like operator returns all elements that match the wildcard given in your pattern, and the –match operator returns all elements that match the regular expression given in your pattern.