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Networking with LXD in Ubuntu

In this recipe, we will look at LXD network setup. By default, LXD creates an internal bridge network. Containers are set to access the Internet through Network Address Translation (NAT) but are not accessible from the Internet. We will learn to open a service on a container to the Internet, share a physical network with a host, and set a static IP address to a container.

Getting ready

As always, you will need access to the root account or an account with sudo privileges.

Setting resource limits on LXD containers in Ubuntu

In this recipe, we will learn to set resource limits on containers. LXD uses the cgroups feature in the Linux kernel to manage resource allocation and limits. Limits can be applied to a single container through configuration or set in a profile, applying limits to a group of containers at once. Limits can be dynamically updated even when the container is running.

How to do it…

We will create a new profile and configure various resource limits in it. Once the profile is ready, we can use it with any number of containers. Follow these steps:

Managing LXD containers – advanced options in Ubuntu

In this recipe, we will learn about some advanced options provided by LXD.

How to do it…

Follow these steps to deal with LXD containers:

Sometimes, you may need to clone a container and have it running as a separate system. LXD provides a copy command to create such clones:

$ lxc copy c1 c2 # lxc copy source destination

You can also create a temporary copy with the --ephemeral flag and it will be deleted after one use.

Deploying your first container with LXD in Ubuntu

In this recipe, we will create our first container with LXD.

Getting ready

You will need access to the root account or an account with sudo privileges.

How to do it…

LXD works on the concept of remote servers and images served by those remote servers. Starting a new container with LXD is as simple as downloading a container image and starting a container out of it, all with a single command. Follow these steps:

To start your first container, use the lxc launch command, as follows:

Installing LXD, Linux container daemon in Ubuntu

LXC is a system built on the modern Linux kernel and enables the creation and management of virtual Linux systems or containers. As discussed earlier, LXC is not a full virtualization system and shares the kernel with the host operating system, providing lightweight containerization. LXC uses Linux namespaces to separate and isolate the processes running inside containers. This provides much better security than simple chroot-based filesystem isolation. These containers are portable and can easily be moved to another system with a similar processor architecture.

Managing services with Juju on Ubuntu

In the previous recipe, we learned how to install the Juju service orchestration framework. Now, we will look at how to use Juju to deploy and manage a service.

Getting ready

Make sure you have installed and bootstrapped Juju.

How to do it…

We will deploy a sample WordPress installation with a load balancer. The MySQL service will be used as the database for WordPress. Both services are available in the Juju Charm store.

Follow these steps to manage services with Juju:

Installing Juju as a service orchestration framework on Ubuntu

Up to now in this article, we have learned about virtualization and OpenStack for deploying and managing virtual servers. Now, it's time to look at a service-modeling tool, Juju. Juju is a service-modeling tool for Ubuntu. Connect it to any cloud service, model your application, and press deploy—done. Juju takes care of lower-level configuration, deployments, and scaling, and even monitors your services.


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