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Ubuntu server logins with LDAP

So, we have installed and configured our own centralized auth server with LDAP. Now is the time to use LDAP to authenticate client logins. In this recipe, we will set up a separate Ubuntu server to use our LDAP server for authenticating users.

Getting ready

You will need a new Ubuntu server to be set as an LDAP client. Also, sudo privileges are needed for the initial setup.

Make sure you have followed the previous recipes and have set up your LDAP server.

How to do it…

Installing OpenLDAP on Ubuntu

This recipe covers the installation and initial configuration of LDAP. The Ubuntu package repository makes the installation easy by providing the required packages for the LDAP service.

Getting ready

You will need access to a root account or an account with sudo privileges.

How to do it…

Let's start with installing the LDAP package and helper utilities:

Update your repository using the apt-get update command and then install the OpenLDAP package, slapd:

$ sudo apt-get update

Introduction on Centralized Authentication Service

When you have a large user base using multiple services across the organization, a centralized authentication service becomes a need rather than a luxury. It becomes necessary to quickly add new user accounts across multiple services when a new user comes in, and deactivate the respective access tokens when a user leaves the organization. A centralized authentication service enables you to quickly respond by updating the user database on a single central server.

Setting Ubuntu performance benchmarks

Until now, in this article we have learned about various performance monitoring tools and commands. This recipe covers a well-known performance benchmarking tool: Sysbench. The purpose of performance benchmarking is to get a sense of system configuration and the resulting performance. Sysbench is generally used to evaluate the performance of heavy load systems. If you read the Sysbench introduction, it says that Sysbench is a benchmarking tool to evaluate a system running database under intensive load.

Monitoring storage in Ubuntu

Storage is one of the slowest components in a server's system, but is still the most important component. Storage is mainly used as a persistence mechanism to store a large amount of processed/unprocessed data. A slow storage device generally results in heavy utilization of read write buffers and higher memory consumption. You will see higher CPU usage, but most of the CPU time is spent waiting for I/O requests.

Monitoring network in Ubuntu

When we are talking about a server, its network is the most important resource. Especially in the cloud network, when it is the only communication channel to access the server and connect with other servers in the network. The network comes under an Input/Output device category. Networks are generally slow in performance and are an unreliable communication channel. You may lose some data while in transit, data may be exposed to external entities, or a malicious guy can update original data before it reaches you.

Monitoring memory and swap in Ubuntu

Memory is another important component of system performance. All files and data that are currently being used are kept in the system main memory for faster access. The CPU performance also depends on the availability of enough memory. Swap, on the other hand, is an extension to main memory. Swap is part of persistent storage, such as hard drives or solid state drives. It is utilized only when the system is low on main memory.

In this article, we will learn how to monitor system memory and swap utilization.

Getting ready

Monitoring CPU in Ubuntu

Modern CPUs generally do not become bottlenecks for performance. The processing power is still far ahead of the data transfer speeds of I/O devices and networks. Generally, the CPU spends a big part of processing time waiting for synchronous IO to fetch data from the disk or from a network device. Tracking exact CPU usage is quite a confusing task. Most of the time, you will find higher CPU use, but in reality, the CPU is waiting for data to become available.


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