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Importance of Server Speed for Running a Website

Speed is an important aspect of a dedicated server. High-speed loading & display is the key to a better-performing website. Dedicated servers have become one of the most in-demand choices to satisfy all online needs. One of the most important factors that should determine your choice of a dedicated server is speed. Nowadays, everyone wants fast loading & display. Nobody has the time to wait for the page to load for a long time. Also, high-power CPUs with higher clock speeds handle more online requests. It helps your dedicated servers in carrying out complex tasks with efficiency.  Higher bandwidth ensures your dedicated server transfers huge data faster to your users. You can increase the speed of your London dedicated server or other location’s server in various ways.

Ways for Increasing Server Speed 

Some ways by which you can increase the speed of your dedicated server in UAE or elsewhere are:                                               

1. Enable Caching: Caching is regarded as the biggest speed-boosting step while optimizing your server. This way, your managed website’s loading time cuts by 50%. With caching, a dedicated server does not have to spend time fetching files from the disk & database values. It carries out the application code & assembling the result into an HTML page each time a page is refreshed. The server can just take a processed result & send it to the visitor. Also, cache systems such as Varnish or Memcached are essential. They help in storing your website data’s copies and serve them to users. This is done without repeat querying of the database. Besides, there are four locations where the cache can be enabled. These are OpCode cache, memory cache, HTTP cache & application cache. Any of these caches can improve your speed without any doubt. 

2. Setup a Fast Reverse Proxy: When your server sends HTML files to a visitor’s browser, another visitor can also request the same file. Normally, your dedicated server in Tokyo or at other places fetches the scripts from the disk. After that, it fills in the data and assembles the HTML file. But it is much easier & faster just to send that file from memory. This is the role of HTTP reverse proxy. It is positioned between your server & the visitors. So that if a second customer asks for the same file, it can quickly fetch the file from the memory. Some of the popular web servers that can be used as a reverse proxy are Nginx, Varnish & Lighttpd. It also changes your IP address. This makes it harder for advertisers to track you online.

3. Choose the Right Application Server: Many application owners are known to use apps that are installed by default on their servers. VPS, Cloud dedicated server owners are often unaware of the differences & try to optimize their site code to fix speed issues. All you need is just change the application server, tweak the settings to match the site load & enable cache. By doing these, you can improve application load speeds to a great extent. This will bring about improvement in your Montreal dedicated server or other location's server performance.

4. Fine-tune Your Web Server: As your site traffic varies & the complexity changes, you must change web server settings. This helps maintain perfect resource usage. The fast server download speed helps your customers in faster downloading of their files. It is advisable to have your web servers audited once a month in case you have a busy site with constant updates.

5. Turn on HTTP/2: HTTP/2 is regarded as a recent development & all web servers right now use HTTP protocol v1.1 by default. But they have support for HTTP v2 which is the recent version & has numerous improvements for performance. The ways by which HTTP/2 improves server response time are:  

a) Using a single connection instead of time-consuming parallel connections to transfer files.

b) Transferring important files first to complete a page

c) Using compression to speed up header transfer 

d) Using binary data instead of bulky text data transfer.

e) Push all files needed to render a page before the browser requests it. It saves valuable seconds on sites using multiple CSS, JS, and images (which are all modern sites).

6. Fix your DNS query speed: If you are observant enough, you must know that Google wants your server to respond in 200 milliseconds & this speed is easily threatened by none other than DNS queries. Your site’s DNS should respond in 30 milliseconds or less but many sites go beyond the 200 MS mark for DNS resolution. The main hurdle here is the distance; the more the distance between the browser & the DNS server, the more time for execution will be taken. Thus, fixing your DNS query speed will also enhance your Asia-based server speed or elsewhere. The image below shows the average speeds of each DNS provider. 

7. Reducing Server Resource Usage: You must review your backend code to check performance issues. This includes unoptimized loops and heavy computations. You must also focus on using load balancers. This helps in even distribution of traffic across multiple servers. It ensures no single dedicated server gets overwhelmed by multiple customer requests.

8. Optimizing Network Performance: You must optimize your DNS settings. It helps in reducing your user’s browser’s time for resolving your server’s IP address. In this case, you switch to Cloudflare or GoogleDNS. Our dedicated server hardware such as firewalls or routers are optimized for high-speed web traffic. It provides a strong online network for conducting your daily business.

9. Monitoring Server Performance: To examine real-time server performance, you use server monitoring tools. This includes Data Dog and New Relic. It identifies dedicated server issues such as CPU spikes or memory leaks.

Benefits of a High-Speed Dedicated Server 

Some benefits of a high-speed dedicated server for your business are:

1. Enhanced Performance: Best speed servers help in obtaining faster response times. The reason is you have exclusive access to all server resources. They are RAM, bandwidth and CPU. You get lower latency as high-speed dedicated servers take less time to process requests. 

2. Increased Security: A dedicated server is not shared with other users. So, it reduces security breach risks that come from other sites. The configuration of server security settings gives you an extra protection layer. 

3. Improved Uptime: It also provides improved uptime. This ensures the continuity of your daily business operations with glitches. Dedicated service providers offer service-level agreements with 99.99% uptime guarantees. 

4. Better Support: It helps with 24/7 technical support for your business. We, as a dedicated server provider provide this support to ensure lesser downtime. It does not matter whether you use Oceania dedicated server or any other location's server. You can check server issues using monitoring tools that affect your daily operations. The issues are hardware failure, server overload or downtime. 

5. Full Control over Server Environment: You can adjust your server settings according to your needs. You can also choose from SSD or HDD storage solutions for your storage capacity needs.

6. Long-Term Cost Effectiveness: They are cost-effective for businesses in the long run. You can manage your daily massive operations without any speed or security issues. Data-intensive applications function with efficiency on these servers. This leads to an increase in conversions and sales. 

7. Suitable for Media Streaming: These servers with 10 Gbps speed for audio and video streaming. It allows your customers to download large files and see videos without buffering. 



The importance of speed for a dedicated server is written here. Higher server speed enables faster website loading for your customers. There is a description of various ways to increase your server speed. First of all, you must focus on enabling caching. You use various caching mechanisms for storing your website data. After that, you distribute it to users without database queries. The setting up of a faster reverse proxy also increases your server speed. It compresses outgoing server responses. This improves loading times for users having slow internet connections. Also, choosing the right application server is important for increasing your server speed. This includes VPS and Cloud servers.  Also, HTTP/2 servers help in reducing your latency rate. Because you can handle multiple server requests from a single connection. Apart from this, you must configure your DNS Query speed for faster webpage loading. At last, you must monitor your dedicated server’s performance using the tools written above.


Get High-speed dedicated servers from us to increase your webpage loading times. Increase your potential customers for your online business using our dedicated servers.

Closing Thoughts

Businessmen must ensure that their business server speed is high. You must check server speed before launching your website for customers. Today’s customers’ attention is low. They will skip your website if a webpage does not open within five seconds. So, a 10 Gbps dedicated server ensures strong website connectivity. It enables higher website visits by your potential customers and increased conversion rates. 


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