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Installing and configuring important SELinux tools in CentOS

The most significant security feature of any Linux system is providing access control— often called Discretionary Access Control (DAC)—which allows the owner of an object (such as a file) to set security attributes for it (for example, deciding who can read or write to a file using the chown and chmod commands). While this old and very simple security system was sufficient in ancient UNIX times, it does not meet all the modern requirements of security, where servers and services are constantly connected to the Internet.

Setting up and working with a private Docker registry

While we have learned in a former process how easy it is to upload our own images to the official Docker Hub, everything we put there will be exposed to the public. If you work on a private or closed-source project within a corporate environment or just want to test things out before publishing to everyone, chances are high that you would prefer your own, protected or cooperate-wide private Docker registry.

Downloading an image and running a container on CentOS

A common misconception is that Docker is a system for running containers. Docker is only a build-tool to wrap up any piece of Linux based software with all its dependencies in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, and system libraries. The technology to run Linux containers is called operating-systemlevel virtualization and provides multiple isolated environments built in every modern Linux kernel by default.

Installing and configuring Docker on CentOS

Traditional virtualization technologies provide hardware virtualization, which means they create a complete hardware environment so each virtual machine (VM) needs a complete operating system to run it. Therefore they have some major drawbacks because they are heavyweight and produce a lot of overhead while running. This is where the open-source Docker containerization engine offers an attractive alternative. It can help you build applications in Linux containers, thus providing application virtualization.

Securing Apache in CentOS

Even though the Apache HTTP server is one of the most mature and safe server applications included in CentOS 7, there is always room for improvement and a large number of options and techniques are available to harden your web server’s security even more. While we cannot show the user every single security feature as it is outside of the scope this book, in this process, we will try to teach what is considered to be good practice when it comes to securing your Apache web server for a production system.

Installing, configuring, and testing PHP on CentOS

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) remains one of the most popular server-side scripting languages designed for web development. It already supports some nice features, such as connecting to relational databases like MariaDB out-of-the-box which can be used to implement modern web applications very fast. While a current trend can be seen for larger enterprises to move away from PHP in favor of some newer technologies such as Node.js (server-side JavaScript), it is still the superior scripting language on the consumer market.

Implementing CGI with Perl and Ruby on CentOS

In the previous processes in this segment, our Apache service only served static content, which means that everything requested by a web-browser already existed in a constant state on the server, for example as plain HTML text files that don’t change. Apache simply sends the content of a specific file from the web server to the browser as a response where it then gets interpreted and rendered. If there were no way to change the contents sent to the client, the Internet would be really boring and not the huge success it is today.

Implementing name-based hosting on CentOS

Normally, if you install Apache as shown in the previous process, you can host exactly one website that is accessible as the server’s IP address or the domain name Apache is running on, for example, or http://www.centos7.home. Such a system is very wasteful for your server resources as you would need individual servers with Apache installed for every single domain you want to host. Name-based or virtual hosting is used to host multiple domains on the same Apache web server.


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