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Using a CentOS third-party repository

In this process, we will investigate the desire to take full advantage of the packages that are available to CentOS by installing both the EPEL and Remi repositories. CentOS is an enterprise-based operating system that prides itself on stability, and during the lifetime of your server, it is possible that not every piece of software you need can be found in the default repositories. It is also possible that you may require updated packages of current software, and for these reasons, many server administrators choose to install both the EPEL and Remi repositories.

Priorities in CentOS

In this process, we will investigate the task of preparing YUM to manage additional repositories by installing a plugin known as YUM priorities. YUM has the ability to search, remove, install, retrieve, and update packages from various remote locations. Such features make YUM a powerful tool, but if you ever decide to add an additional third-party repository, there is a chance that conflicts will render the system unstable.

Keeping YUM clean and tidy in CentOS

In this process, we will investigate the role of YUM with regard to ensuring that the working cache remains current. As a part of its typical mode of operation, YUM will create a cache that consists of metadata and packages. These files are very useful, but over time, they will accumulate in size to such an extent that you may find that YUM is acting erratically or not as intended. The frequency of this happening can vary from system to system, but it generally implies that the YUM cache system requires your immediate attention.

Using YUM to remove packages in CentOS

In this process, we will investigate the role of using YUM with the intention of removing packages from your server. During the lifetime of your server, it is possible that certain applications and services may no longer be required. In such situations, it is typical that you will want to remove such packages in order to optimize your working environment, and it is the purpose of this process to show you how this is done.

Using YUM to install packages on CentOS

In this process, we will investigate the role of YUM in installing new packages on your server. An important task for every server administrator is the installation of applications and services. There are several different ways to achieve this, but the most effective method involves the YUM package manager. YUM is able to search through any number of repositories, automatically resolve package dependencies, and specify the installation of one or more packages.

Using YUM to search for packages in CentOS

In this process, we will investigate the role of using YUM to find a package. YUM was developed to improve the installation of RPM software packages, and it is used to access a growing list of packages that provide a full range of services offered by your server. YUM is simple to use, but if you are not sure what a package is called, then your duties as the server administrator can become that much harder.

Using YUM to update the CentOS

In this process, we will investigate the role of the Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) package manager with regard to running a system update. Every once in a while, you may become aware of an update or may simply wish to discover if one exists. Applying patches and updates is a regular task for every server administrator, and an up-to-date system can help increase or ensure the security of your server as software bugs and vulnerabilities are found all the time and must be fixed promptly. In this process, you will learn how to achieve this with the help of YUM.

Taking control in CentOS with GIT and Subversion

Document revision control systems or version control systems, as they are sometimes called, are used for the management of changes to documents. These systems get more and more important these days as modern work often connects people from around the globe to collaborate and work together on all kinds of documents (for example, software source code) making it important to manage the file changes by different people using revisions. In this process, we will show you how to use modern version control systems such as GIT and Subversion to manage the versioning of config files.

Monitoring CentOS important server infrastructure

In this process, we will use a small script that will monitor the available filesystem’s disk space periodically using cron, and if it exceeds a certain percentage threshold the script will send out a mail with a warning message.

To Start With: What Do You Need?

To complete this process, you will require a working installation of the CentOS 7 operating system with root privileges and a console-based text editor of your choice. You should have read the Scheduling tasks with cron process to have a basic understanding of the principles behind the cron system.


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