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Licensing of Debian

As mentioned in The social contract section, licensing is one of the central issues in Debian. All of the software in the official Debian distribution is released under any one of several free software licenses, usually some version of the GNU General Public License (GPL), a Berkeley BSD-style license, or some form of the artistic license used by some Perl developers.

Constitution of Debian

The means of achieving the goals of the Debian Social Contract is outlined in the Debian Constitution. It lays out the formal structure and decision-making process. The project has a full organizational structure that includes Officers, Distribution, Publicity, Support, and Infrastructure divisions, with specific positions and responsibilities. Although Debian is an all-volunteer organization, it is every bit as organized as any large corporate entity.

The Debian Project

Debian is, at its heart, a totally free, volunteer-supported distribution. Unlike Ubuntu, Red Hat, or SuSE, it is not sponsored by any corporation. This does not mean it is any less organized. The Debian project is, in fact, well-organized, with a well-defined government, detailed standards and guidelines, and specified procedures for software release, maintenance, and support.

The name Debilm comes from the names of the project founder, Ian Murdock, and his wife Debra.

DPKG or DEB - Debian Packaging System

The Debian Packaging System (DPKG/DEB) was developed about the same time as the RPM, and has the same features, although they are implemented differently. DPKG refers to the original software packaging utility. This has been superseded by more flexible and user-friendly utilities, so this branch is often referred to by the extension used by the package files: DEB ( . deb). Some distributions in this branch have corporate sponsorship (Ubuntu is the most notable) and thus, have a unified administrative utility, similar to SuSE's YaST for example.

SLS - Softlanding Linux System

The Softlanding Linux System (SLS) distribution, which evolved into the Slackware distribution, is one of the oldest. Distributions in this branch generally made minimal or no changes to the original software packages before including them. Distributions using this format generally provided no native software management and depended on third-party utilities for package management and administration. These utilities were readily available and often included, so this was not necessarily a disadvantage.


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