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After Debian Operating System upgrade

Once the distribution upgrade is complete, there are still a few steps that should be taken. First, if the configuration file issues weren't resolved during installation, now is the time to do this. The new file is in the same place as the old one, with an added dpkg-new extension. Ifthe installer selected the developers' version, the old configuration is there with a dpkg-old extension. Either way, the administrator can check them for differences and make the necessary changes.

Next, if there are major changes in software operation, any applications that use the software should be modified, or the configuration updated to recreate the old behavior if possible. A good example of this issue is major changes to how PHP works, which often necessitates re-coding web pages that used the changed features or modifying the configuration when it supports operation in a legacy mode. Other major changes may affect users, such as the change from GNOME 2 to GNOME 3, which involves a major change in the user experience. Also, any post-installation steps noted in the release notes should be taken.

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